SHC Tracker Privacy Policy

How SHC Tracker Uses Information

SHC Tracker, Inc. (hereinafter, "SHC Tracker") is committed to respecting the privacy rights of users of the Website and SHC Tracker mobile phone applications (the "Applications"). When you use SHC Tracker, we collect some information related to your visit. This information helps us understand how people are using SHC Tracker, so we can make SHC Tracker better. For example, if we create a feature that everybody is using, we want to know about that. After a great deal of research and internal debate, we decided to use a special anonymized version of Google Analytics to collect visitor data. This solution offers an acceptable level of anonymity and privacy, while providing us with the information we need to make SHC Tracker great. * If you choose to use a Chrome web browser, an Android smartphone, or if you have recently used services like Google Search or YouTube, your web browser or device may be sending data back to Google that SHC Tracker can't control.

  1. SHC Tracker Privacy Policy

    • a. Your Privacy is Important.

      As an ad-free network that does not sell data about its users to third parties, SHC Tracker has also taken unique steps that help you control how much information about you is shared when you use SHC Tracker. Please read this document in its entirety. It explains SHC Tracker's privacy practices, and what information we collect when you use our web site, mobile apps, services, products, and other content; and also how you can opt-out of sharing some of this information.
    • b. Information SHC Tracker Collects

      When you visit SHC Tracker, we may collect information about what pages you access, about the device you are using, information that you send to us directly or post on our web site or on your page, and the address of web sites that refer you to SHC Tracker. We also store your name and your email address when you register for an account or contact us directly. We may also collect and store an anonymized version of your IP address, which we may use to protect SHC Tracker and its users from spam, viruses, identity theft, illegal or harmful activities; we use this information to understand how people use SHC Tracker, which features work and which don´t, and to help us develop and improve SHC Tracker's features and services. We may create anonymous records by excluding information (such as your name) that makes the data personally identifiable to you. We may use or share this anonymous data for any purpose for example, to analyze request and usage patterns so that we may make SHC Tracker better.
    • c. Email Communications

      From time to time we may email you information about SHC Tracker that we think is necessary and important. By opening or maintaining an account with SHC Tracker, you agree to receive administrative emails as part of your basic service. You can always opt-out of non-administrative emails. If anyone ever contacts you and asks for your SHC Tracker password, they are probably trying to scam you. SHC Tracker will never do this.
    • d. Contacts

      The SHC Tracker obtained from Apple App Store or Google Play, we do not share any user contact information.

      Please note that no contact information will be collected and used from your address book. We only pick the email address from you contacts to send app invite to your friends and family.
      Please also note that you can always choose not to share contact information with SHC Tracker.
    • e. Camera, Photos and Videos

      The SHC Tracker require to collect images or videos from your device's camera, photos or videos.
      You won't be able to set profile picture, post photos or videos on your feeds or upload photos or videos from your camera roll unless we can access your camera or photos or videos.
      The images or videos collected will only be used for only specified purposes and are not shared with any third party.
    • f. Information Sharing.

      SHC Tracker does not make money from selling advertising. We also don´t sell information about our users to any third party. This includes advertisers, data brokers, search engines, or anyone else. We may share your personal information with third parties under several circumstances, including (1) if you tell us it is OK to do so (2) if we believe that we need to do so by law We will do our best to resist requests to access information that we believe are not justified. SHC Tracker's policy is to give you, advance notice if we are going to release your information unless by law we are prohibited from doing so. If we think that by disclosing your information we may prevent serious harm to SHC Tracker, its users, you, or anyone else for that matter, we may do so without notifying you.
    • g. SHC Tracker is a Public Network.

      SHC Tracker is a platform built for posting and sharing public content. You should assume that anything you post on SHC Tracker other than private messages will be accessed by others. Search engines will be able to see the content you post. Content you post may be copied, shared, or re-posted on SHC Tracker and on other parts of the internet in ways that you and we cannot control. We have made it easy for you to delete posted content from your personal account, and also to delete your account altogether (there's a link to do so on your personal settings page). However, we may store backups of your content on our servers, even after it is deleted or after you delete your account. Furthermore, deleting your account or specific content doesn't mean that your content hasn't been copied or shared on SHC Tracker, and on other parts of the internet by people or services that have nothing to do with SHC Tracker. We strongly suggest that you consider this when deciding what to post and what not to post on SHC Tracker (or anywhere on the Internet, for that matter). Please post responsibly!
    • h. SHC Tracker and Cookies

      SHC Tracker uses cookies to enable our servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when you use SHC Tracker Services. A cookie is a small amount of information that is stored in your web browser, which may contain information about you and the way you use the internet and services like SHC Tracker. We use cookies to identify our users, provide automatic login, and personalize your SHC Tracker experience. We also may use cookies embedded in emails to help figure out whether anyone is actually reading the emails that we write. You can turn cookies off on your web browser, but if you do, SHC Tracker may not work properly, and in some cases, you may not be able to log into SHC Tracker at all. There are many other third party services and web sites that may place cookies in your browser. Our privacy policy only covers our use of SHC Tracker cookies, not cookies used by third parties.
    • i. Data Storage and Deletion of Accounts and Data.

      You can access or change your personal profile and contact information or delete your account through your SHC Tracker personal settings page. If you choose delete or deactivate your account, you can no longer retrieve your content or reactivate your account, and we cannot do so for you. Also, your username may become available for another person to use. SHC Tracker stores its data on servers run by third parties. We or a third party we work with may keep backups of SHC Tracker's data and code, which may or may not include posts and other information that you put on SHC Tracker, even after you have deleted your account. Therefore, even after you delete your account, your data may remain in backups on our system, although it will be no longer visible or publicly accessible on SHC Tracker.
    • j. Children Under 13.

      SHC Tracker Services are intended for the general public, and are not meant for children under 13. We don´t knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. Please contact us if you become aware that a child under the age of 13 is using SHC Tracker, or has posted personal information about themselves on SHC Tracker, and we will work to remove both the information and the child's SHC Tracker account.
    • k. Location Information

      This app collects location data to "enable marking attendance in a class only when a member is in the health club and generating an in-app notification to launch the App when the member is in the vicinity of the health club" even when the app is closed or not in use.
  2. Changes to the SHC Tracker Privacy Policy

    • SHC Tracker may update this policy from time to time. We will let you know if we make significant changes by sending a notice to the email address connected with your SHC Tracker account, or by placing a notice in a prominent place on our web site. You can also always find the most current version of this policy on our web site, as well as older versions.
    • b. SHC Tracker

      • a. Your social network is owned by advertisers.

        Every post you share, every friend you make, and every link you follow is tracked, recorded, and converted into data. Advertisers buy your data so they can show you more ads. You are the product that's bought and sold. We believe there is a better way. We believe in audacity. We believe in beauty, simplicity, and transparency. We believe that the people who make things and the people who use them should be in partnership. We believe a social network can be a tool for empowerment. Not a tool to deceive, coerce, and manipulate but a place to connect, create, and celebrate life. You are not a product.
      • b. SHC Tracker doesn't have ads.

        Virtually every other social network is run by and for advertisers. Behind the scenes, armies of ad salesmen and data miners track and record every move you make. Data about you is auctioned off to advertisers and data brokers. Under the guise of offering a free service, users of other social networks pay a high price in lack of privacy and intrusive advertising. You're the product that's being bought and sold. Collecting and selling your personal information, reading your posts, and mapping your social connections for profit is unethical. Every new feature on an ad-driven network is either a new way to gather more data about you (which can be sold), or show you more ads (which are auctioned), or both. SHC Tracker is totally ad-free. SHC Tracker does not sell data about you to third parties, including advertisers and data brokers.
      • c. OK, but what about all those other social networks that didn't have ads at first (but do now)?.

        Many other social networks and fitness apps (any site that sells ads, like Twitter, my fitness pal, lose it, Facebook, Tumblr, Google+, Instagram, etc. etc.) started out ad-free, then suddenly switched gears. They modified their privacy policies, started selling information about their users to data brokers, and bombarded us with ads. Many users of those networks feel betrayed. SHC Tracker's entire structure is based around a no-ad and no data-mining policy. Quite frankly, were we to break this commitment, we would lose most of the SHC Tracker community. Including ourselves, because we dislike ads more than almost anyone else out there. Which is why we built SHC Tracker in the first place. To make this crystal-clear to everyone, we've put a very obvious Delete Account link on every user's settings page. If you ever don´t like the direction SHC Tracker is heading, we invite you to delete your SHC Tracker account. Of course, we'd prefer you to stay a part of our community, so please send comments and ideas to
    • Support SHC Tracker

      SHC Tracker is completely free to use.